The Dreaded Apartment Search
So I realize that I've been online with this blog for less than 48 hours and I'm already asking for a handout. Well, not really a handout, but maybe some hot tips on housing in Rosslyn, Virginia.
Hey, it could work. I mean, yesterday I got two comments from well-wishers in the first hour my blog was live! (Thank you very much, by the way. I'm not up on the blogosphere etiquette yet. Should I post a thank-you to their blogs? I just don't know.) So I figured that it could be totally possible with a little divine help that someone who knows of a place in Rosslyn, VA that is available will read my blog and send me a shout-out.
I know this sounds so specific that I'll never find it, but you never hit the bull's-eye unless you aim for the bull's-eye (unless you've got some crazy kind of good luck that usually skips a generation). Bear in mind that cancer fatigue is serious business. Anyway, here's what I'm looking for:
1. Location: Rosslyn, VA -- location is very important to me because of my forthcoming radiation treatment at the Lombardi Cancer Center at Georgetown University Hospital. This will allow me to easily commute via public transportation to/from work and my daily radiation treatments without putting drivers at risk with a fatigued me behind the wheel! (I will not have a car, by the way, so rest easy tonight.)
2. Size: One Bedroom -- this is also rather important as I may need to have a caregiver at some point--crazy thought--and I'd like to have just a bit of privacy if that is the case. This way I can sleep whenever I want without the caregiver, probably Mom, feeling bad about keeping me awake by leaving the light on to read. Of course if there is something larger for the right price, I probably would take a good look at it as well.
3. Furnished -- since I'm expecting to only have a need for a place during my radiation therapy preparation, treatment, and recovery (encompassing about 3+ months), I'm looking for a place that I don't have to furnish and then pack up and move later when I could conceivably be still relatively incapacitated by the radiation.
4. Term-of-Contract -- ideally, I'd find something for 6 months, April 1 - Sept. 30, 2005 (give or take a week or two with the end date being far more flexible than the beginning date).
5. Utilities -- it would be preferable that all utilities be included in the amount of rent. I realize that this sounds picky, but when the American Cancer Society is suggesting that I keep items that I use often on low shelves to save energy...well, let me just say that I'm trying to minimize the number of things I need to think about.
So that is the criteria that I'm working with at this point. They would all come together in perfect synergy in a perfect world, and even though I'm acutely aware of reality that does not mean that I cannot hope!
OK...I'm goin' to bed now.
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