Friday, September 02, 2005


I don't ever remember being so tired. Yesterday is when it really hit me--I could never really wake up and even after radiation I was still feeling like I should be sleeping. I left work early because I just couldn't keep my eyes open anymore. I had been given some food from some folks at work and when I got home, I put it in my kitchen and fell asleep before I even got the food in my fridge! The crazy thing was that I slept for almost 3 hours and probably still could have slept another 3 hours! I put the food in the fridge when I finally woke up. Hit another wall at around 10 p.m. again and slept pretty much the whole way through the night--unbelievable!

Today was more of the same, but without as much sleeping. When I got home from radiation treatment, I had a few things to take care of but then again I was down for the count. After taking care of some work stuff and getting a few prescriptions refilled, then I was again catching a nap.

Some good news is that my mouth sores seem to be getting a little better. Enough so that I can eat much easier than I could before. Being able to eat should help with the fatigue that I am experiencing, however, I can't be sure, either. It certainly can't hurt the situation!


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