Saturday, September 24, 2005

A New Season

Here's a pretty cool observation--the first day of my post-radiation life was also the first day of Fall this year. So, not only was it a new season on the calendar, it was also a new season in my life. When I thought about that on Thursday, I just thought to myself, "You can't plan stuff like that." Once again, it's reassuring to know that someone bigger than me has a hand in all of this.

So other than that, there's really not a whole lot of new information to report. My tongue still hurts to about the same degree as when I wrote about it on Wednesday. I thought that maybe yesterday it was getting a little better but then this morning I felt like it took a step backwards and that was disappointing. I'm so eager to be able to drink and eat like a normal person again and sometimes it feels like my time will never come. Of course I know that it will, but after several weeks of having a restricted diet following my tongue surgery in February, and then again following my neck surgery in June, and of course during my treatment most recently, it begins to wear you down. And, let's not forget that this all comes on the heels of my limited ability to eat prior to having the first tumor removed--a period of several months.

So I keep praying for a miracle because I'm tired of the pain. Hopefully I'll have a better report in the days to come.


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