Tuesday, March 22, 2005

En Route

So McCarran Airport in Las Vegas is pretty cool. Free wireless internet rocks.

The first flight from Portland to Vegas was good but there was a bit of turbulence. Good landing, though--two thumbs up. During the flight I watched most of Collateral but ran out of time...I'll finish it up on the next leg.

Oh gross...this guy that reeks of smoke just sat down beside me. I'm tempted to tell him about the evils of smoking.

So tomorrow I'm planning to leave the airport, buy a newspaper, check craigslist...and pound the pavement looking for a place to live. My guess is that I'll be exhausted by noon. However, I did get a great seat on the long flight to DC--in the row behind the exit row. No seat in front of me means that I'll be able to stretch out!

I'll keep y'all updated on what happens...


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