Sunday, May 22, 2005

Go Yoda

My church meets in a movie theater. So it was quite convenient to go to church this morning and then stay for the third installment of Star Wars. I didn't even have to switch movie theaters! Talk about convenience.

Anyway, the movie was really good. Not just in a computer graphics sort of way, but the storyline was generally very well done. The script was a little stiff, but what do you expect from Star Wars? I mean, it wouldn't be Star Wars without some half-baked love story with cheesy lines sprinkled in.

I don't really consider myself a huge Star Wars fan, but this definitely held my attention. And if you want to compare it to Episodes I and II...well, it's just a completely different category. For those of you who have seen the first two episodes, you'll be relieved to know that there is only ONE scene that includes the infamous Jar Jar Binks (or however you spell it -- you know who I am talking about). Now I think that Spielberg ought to go back and redo Episodes I and II and remove Jar Jar completely. Not only would he make a bundle, but the public would come out as the real winners because we wouldn't have to see that wretched creation ever again. Of course, I really have no desire to see either of the first two episodes again unless the script is helped. And I mean helped in a BIG way. You would think that after the bazillion dollars he spent to make the movie, he could find some discretionary funds somewhere to pay some decent writers. However, this IS Star Wars and needs the stilted script to make it...well, Star Wars. While he's at it, he should also redo Episodes 4 - 6 with the graphics that we are now accustomed to.

In the end, as one of my professors in college said, it is just a big Cowboys and Indians story set in outer space. Quite true really. When one thinks about it, there are really not that many plots out there, just a lot of variations on similar plots. But I digress. Go see the movie if you are remotely interested because you won't be disappointed. It'll make you want to watch the rest of the installments, too, because if you are like me, then you can't remember what happened in the other ones. But even if you are not well-versed in Star Wars, you know about Darth Vader and that Luke Skywalker is his offspring and this pretty much ties everything together...finally!

But enough about Star Wars...I can't wait for the new Dukes of Hazzard movie that comes out in August. All those crazy people that were in line weeks ahead of time to see Star Wars??? Yeah, that'll be me for the Dukes of Hazzard. I mean, that show helped define my childhood! Any guy now in his 20's who jumped through an open car window as a kid will tell you the same thing. I've seen a couple of trailers for it and all I can say is "YEEE-HAAAAW!!!" It'll be good to see the ol' General Lee looking as it always did but in a present-day setting with the run-of-the-mill Crown Victoria cop cars chasing it all over Southern, I mean...Hazzard County.

Okay, that's all I've got for now. Oh yeah, my first doctor's appointment is in 3 days. Woohoo.


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